Monday, August 23, 2010

Where Earth Meets Sky

The last couple of nights in my travels, the sunsets have been extraodinary. On the first night, while driving through Iowa, as the sun went down it was enormous on the horizon. You know, the sort of sunset that makes you feel teeny tiny. It's humbling. I took some shots, but driving in a moving vehicle, with the light going down fast... I'm not sure I did the above sunset much justice.

The next evening, as I made my way through Utah, there was a rainy drizzle in the air. And the wind gusts were pretty powerful, making it hard to hold on to the steering wheel. Both hands were required. But the strong wind did something else. It created a haze in the sky. But I'm not complaining, all that dust made for one extraordinary sunset against the mountains.

And wouldn't you know it... directly across from the fading sun, where earth meets sky, the moon was shining bright.

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