Monday, October 4, 2010

Random Blogging, with Random Pictures; that don't mean a thing

Today, my blog post doesn't mean a thing. You see, just random photographs. But they deserve to be shown, and maybe have a paragraph about them.

So let's start with fall. It is always a time, filled with wonderful colors. These photographs I took a couple weeks back. When I drove through Utah, across the mountains of Park City. I remember the foliage was bright orange.

And when I went through Wisconsin. The foliage change was starting there too. Not as brightly colored, but still a noticeable change.

Here is a photograph taken in Minnesota. It was at a local airport. The kid in me just could not resist getting a shot of what looks like jets doing acrobats.

Or this picture, taken in California. It is a beautiful spring scene, a mountain in the background, and a horse trailer being pulled. But what strikes me as funny, is to see the horse's tail hanging out.

And then there's the photo of the hairy moth. I found this moth in the grass. With one wing spread out, it looked as though it was trying to dry his wing out. Take a look at that body, it's fuzzy, like a dog.

Then there's the photo of my cinnamon-raisin bread. That makes me hungry, every time I look at it.

As dumb as this picture is, I can't help it, it puts a smile on my face, and makes me giggle every time I come across it. You have to admit, it just looks like a fun-time clown.

Then there's the barn pictures. Here are 2 that I recently took.

And last, the stuff I live on... Red Bull.

1 comment:

  1. The Park City pictures are great! Please share them with others by posting them to our Facebook page when you become a fan,
