Friday, January 28, 2011

Welcome Back To Wyoming


Welcome to winter time in Wyoming. Quite different looking, than the pictures of this state in the summer time. In fact, I feel like I am in the middle of Alaska at this time of year. I have to say... Ice Road Truckers have nothing on me!

When driving through Wyoming, the speed limit normally is posted 75 mph. But this day, with wind gust exceeding 55 mph, the speed limit posted was 45 mph. A very sluggish pace indeed, but when the wind is trying to push you in the other lane, it is a whole lot safer to slow down and do that reduced speed.

It is an incredible sight to see the snow racing across the road. Looking like a sand storm blowing across the dunes; only white, cold, and much slicker.

At times I wondered... ski slope or road?

And in some spots the wind was so powerful, making it difficult to see in front of you. And I wondered if I'd be able to remain on the road. The strange part, if you looked up, you could see that Wyoming blue sky. But it was very nerve-wrecking to drive in.

During a gap in this winter blast, I spotted a lone, wild black horse out in the middle of nowhere and managed to get a shot of it.

How the horses are able to deal with the blistery wind and snow... I don't know. Certainly glad I was toasty in my vehicle.

All that blowing snow gave the distance some amazing scenery.

I believe this is black butte mountain in the distance.

What a day it was driving in this wintery scene. Truthfully, I am so glad to be safe and sound, and out of Wyoming. I much prefer summers.

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