Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Bee-utiful Things You See in Your Backyard

Today has been overcast. But, despite not having much sun, I grabbed my camera, and went out for a walk in the backyard. Surprisingly, there are a lot of bees hard at work. Still gathering the sweet nectar of what little flowers are left, I suppose. Take a closer look, those bees have some remarkable looking wings.

I made my way down to the pond, only to look and see a bunch of small fish swimming close to the surface. I can't get over all the fish there. I first started out, putting 20 Koi in the pond. And only one ended up surviving after the first winter. Two years later, I've got a whole school of fish living in there. Nature has a way. And the pond is beaming with life. That's just amazing to me. 

I was so busy looking at all the fish. I almost stepped on this lovely caterpillar. Glad I saw him, look at that bright, blue color on him. Stunning. 

There isn't a lot of flowers left, it's almost officially Autumn. That means we're in the stage between summer and winter. And the flowers I found out back, are actually from what I considered weeds during the summer. Who knew weeds could transform into such beautiful flowers.

This flower, so vibrant yellow, I don't think this one is a weed, at all. Just part of the wild flowers that grow in the back during the summer.

A sad sight indeed, one of the last Daisy's wilting away.

But you should see the colors of the leaves around here. Some of them alredy have gorgeous shades of red, yellow, and orange.

And there are still mushrooms growing. Take a look at this cluster growing on the side of a tree.

There are berries on the bushes, some are are very brilliant, red. While others have a speckle look to them.

Look at this. It appears I've found some wild raspberry growing. Why I bet you could make some raspberry jam, if you could gather enough of them.

You know it astounds me, everyday there is something, new and bee-utiful in my own backyard to be found. I bet your backyard has beauty too. All you have to do is, LOOK a bit closer.

1 comment:

  1. I love the bee and I didn't know you had so many fishies in your pond. Cute! The mushrooms growing on the tree are cool too!
