There's a lot of beauty in summer. But sadly, summer is coming to an end. There are a lot of things I am going to miss about being home during the summer. Like my fields of flowers. I sure am going to miss them. There are all sorts of different flowers there.
Check out the white spider, sitting in the middle of the next flower.
I am going to miss the hummingbirds.
And how they hover over the flowers.
I am going to miss the butterflies.
I am really going to miss the things I see at my pond. Like the Cat tails, and the strange looking grass that grows around the edge.
And I'm absolutely going to miss seeing Timmy, the turtle. I hope that he'll be alright over the winter. He's so cute! And I rescued him. I found him trying to cross the road around my neighborhood. I think I saved his life. He could have been hit by a car.
Just look at that cute little tail of his. I really think he loves his new home.
And let's not forget all the animals I see in my backyard. Like the deer. True, I will still see them out my window over winter.
And the many, many different birds. Speaking of birds, I found this feather, on the ground, from a Wild Turkey.
Oh, look! There goes those Turkeys. I sure will miss seeing them. Although, come to think of it, I will see them out my window this winter too. They are always wandering around my yard.

I sure will miss seeing my favorite squirrel, hanging in his tree, right outside my window, on a hot muggy day.
And my neighbors horses, they'll be keeping warm in their barn all winter.
But I am looking forward to fall. Fall brings out a lot of colors. Just look at the colors already, on the berries in my yard.
Come to think of it. May be I won't miss summer all that much, because Fall brings out a lot of beauty too.
But don't get me started on winter!